Saturday, 25 November 2017

Sunday 26th November 2017....Writing from New Zealand..
Been home here in New Zealand for just over two month...And must admit it took me  a bit longer to get back home with delays etc ..even had to have a stopover in Singapore may well of been a SIGN..
Now adjusting again at this end  being back in New Zealand. Is very different life here after how I have been living and what I have been doing over the last 8 months.
New Zealand has a population of 47 Million and is two Islands in the Pacific Ocean one called the North Island the other called the South Island. I live up near the top of the South Island in a place called Nelson population 66,000..we are very lucky to be right on the sea here. It is just about our Summer now which starts 1st December. We are having beautiful warm sunny days temperature around 20 degrees but our sun is quiet hot and harsh as we don't have a lot of sun flitters left in our ozone layers and you can get sunburnt very quickly.  
I have been taking a lot of photos around Nelson and on my trips back to my home town called Westport on the coast 3 and a half hours away from here. I felt I now wanted to show you all my beautiful country of New Zealand. Will post photos over the  next few weeks.

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