Sunday, 20 August 2017

Sunday 20th August
WOW one month left on my journey, and how blessed I have been with all I have experienced, more than I could of imagined. .
Im staying half way between Dharamshal and Mcleod Ganj which is where most tourist go to see temples etc and do hikes the Dali Lama temple is there also and have to go up higher on the hill. Hoping to have last two days up there. Always see quiet a few monks and nuns here coming from temples worshipping etc. Haven't seen any other tourist here but people very welcoming and accepting of you, is closer to recue centre to get there each day..
Been at Dharamshala rescue centre only a few days..Was set up by English women after visiting the area and seeing the need and wanting to help the street dogs. Employs about 12 staff and like them all here relies solely on donations.
Quiet abit smaller which is actually quiet nice to be able to spend with he dogs there..Can hold up to 45 dogs but quiet crowded then. Have about 30 dogs there at moment some on treatment brought  back from the street's and others ready for adoption. This place has done quiet a few overseas adoptions which is really cool,  cost is around 1000 to 1500 to get dogs there. At the moment two dogs there are going to Canada. Amazing how social media works in many great ways for dogs all over the world, including NZ..The mobile van goes out each day and covers all the local areas and does treatments and bring dogs back if needed. And do about 50 sterilisations a month.One doggie was released yesterday. Have a on site clinic for locals and lab...basically the rescue centre is in a  home which has space for holding areas for the dogs and kitchen office area that is rented.. We take both groups of dogs on a hike each day up into the forest area or road and the sites looking down are amazing. A lot of people bring there goats/horses and cows up for feeding also on all the grass areas around us..Been bit busy to take dog photos and the views I have seen  but will.
Have had some very heavy down pours lately and can get quiet dark and feels abit like winter at home with being a bit cooler also.
I think of you all often and always send my love and thoughts.

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